Once, there was a magician.
A friend told him that he was experiencing difficulties in his marriage. He said, “I have everything I need, but my wife is not congenial. She is always doing something to displease me, so I am not happy. How can I control her? You are a magician. Can’t you help me? You must know a spell or something.”
The magician gave him a magic wand and said, “Your wife will obey you, whatever you command.”
The man went back to his house with the wand and ordered his wife, “Come here!” and his wife came. “Go there!” he said, and his wife went. “Sit here!” he commanded, and his wife sat down.
But after doing this for sometime, he realized he was still not happy. Why? Because his wife had become like a robot!
He realized that for them to have a joyful relationship, she must have her independence, the ability to think independently. Only if she served willingly could there be happiness. If consciousness is destroyed, there can be no happiness.
In the same way, God is not so ignorant that He will choose to suppress the relative independence of the jivas. He retains it and His counterpart, Gurudeva, does the same. But they make the jivas understand that they are eternal servants of the Supreme Lord and that by serving Him they will become happy. They try to change the jivas mentality by showing them their own ideal character and example, and by explaining to and inspiring them.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead Sree Krishna does not want to destroy the relative independence of His minute particles. With whom will He enjoy His pastimes?
In order for service to exist, there must be both a servitor and the Served. Only then does prema or divine love become a possibility. There can be no such love where there is only one person.
The living beings who are now here in this material world have forgotten Sree Krishna, but ultimately, when they experience the awakening of the eternal nature of the self, they will cry for the Lord with great earnestness and perturbation. And God will taste and relish their emotion.
Why should we deprive God of that pleasure?