When Character is lost

Sree Chaitanya Gaudia Math
Vaishnavas generally advise anybody who is in distress, to remember Lord Sree Narasimha deva.
For remembrance, utterance of Sree Narasimha Mantra is essential.
Lord Sree Narasimha deva removes all anti-devotional desires so that the sincere aspirants can remove the root cause of suffering, which is— ‘aversion to Supreme Lord Sree Krishna’. Simultaneously, it may also give non-eternal benefits. Utterance of the Holy Name should be from the core of the heart, with firm belief.
True Vaishnavas do not want to disturb their object of worship, the Supreme Lord and His Absolute Counterpart Gurudeva, for their worldly difficulties. If they require any kind of relief from physical disease, they take the help of doctors.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Sri Shukdev Goswami started speaking about the Lila-katha (pastimes of Sree Krishna) to Sri Parikshit Maharaj after holding discourses on 1st Skandha (Canto) to 9th Skandha (Canto) of Sreemad Bhagavatam, for making the foundation of being eligible to hear pastimes of Sree Krishna.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.
Supreme Lord Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in His third verse of Sree Shikshastaka has taught us, if we are to do Hari-nam without tenfold offences, we should have these four qualities:
(1) We should be humbler than a blade of grass,
(2) more forbearing than a tree,
(3) should not have the desire of getting name and fame from others but,
(4) give respect to all in the consideration that our object of love, Sri Krishna, is existing in the heart of every living being.
It is good for sincere aspirants to rectify themselves by condemning or subduing their own evil doings or evil thoughts. Only then, by their own ideal character, can they warn others in regard to these.
A bona fide sadhu never has any kind of hostile mentality to anybody or any living being in this world. He may condemn the evil practices or doings but he has got no enmity for the persons who are doing such sinful acts. So, sadhus are always calm and serene. Nobody in this world can divert a sadhu’s mind from his concentrated devotion to the Lord.
Greatest Hurdle of Sree Krishna’s bhakti
The greatest hurdle of Sree Krishna Bhakti is committal of offence at the Lotus feet ofVaishnavas.
We should not neglect paying respects to superior Vaishnavas.
Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu never tolerated disrespect to senior Vaishnavas.
So, it will be unwise to sacrifice eternal benefit for the sake of mundane temporary benefits.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj ji.
You will find, in the Gita, Supreme Lord Sree Krishna first told Arjuna, “Perform your work according to your own competency. Do not attempt to do the work of others who are of a different nature.”
But ultimately, He says, “Sarva-dharman parityajya, mam ekam saranam vraja” (18.66). “Give up all the relative duties I have spoken about earlier and take absolute shelter of Me. You are my own person. You are related to Me. You are part of My own potency. I have hitherto advised you to act according to your own capacity, but you will obtain your actual, eternal welfare when you take absolute shelter of Me.”
When we take absolute shelter of the Supreme Lord, we will not be committing sin by giving up those relative duties. But, take careful note of the words, “mat-krte”: for Me. “Performing household duties or brahmacari duties have become too difficult, so I have given them up.” Thinking like this, you are committing sin. You are violating the vedic injunctions. But if you take shelter of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, then automatically you are performing service for all.
Generally, we refer to those who have given up their household life as sadhus. But if one thinks “I am married. I have a wife and children. I have no funds to maintain them. So, I have given up household life. I am moving along the road, begging. I have become a sadhu.” then such a person is not a sadhu. He is committing a sin. But if , then all the family members are benefited. “Mat-krte tyakta-karmanas tyakta-svajana-bandhavah”: “For Me.”
— from the lectures of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.
In a town in Bengal, there was a man who worked in an office. He lived with his wife and two children. One of the children was only three or four months old and the other was seven years old. One day, the man told his wife, “You will have to prepare breakfast early today because I have to go into the office early. After I eat, I shall leave right away.”
When the wife went to cook, she first put the baby on the bed and then went into the kitchen. But, whenever she would enter the kitchen, the child would cry. She thought, “With the child in my lap, how will I be able to cook? It is very difficult.” She was thinking what she should do. Then she thought of a way she could manage. She called the seven-year-old child.
“Darling, come here!” she called. “Do you know that red toy in the shop?”
”Yes, I know it,” the child answered.
”Go and buy that toy, but be sure that it makes a nice jingling sound.”
The child took some money and went off to buy the toy. He brought it home and gave it to the other. The mother laid the baby down on the bed and hung the red-coloured toy with the jingling sound above him, at the end of a rope. The baby saw the toy and immediately started to play with it, hitting it from side to side. The child was most delighted as he continued to slap the toy and hear the jingling sound. For one hour he played like that, and the mother went to do her cooking. After that, the child started to feel hungry. For the entire time that the child was playing, he did not remember his mother. But, now that he felt hungry, he thought, “Oh, where is my mother?” But his mother did not come. Then, he started crying, signifying, “I am hungry! Come!” He could not speak, so he beckoned his mother by crying. “Come to me and suckle me! I am hungry!” His mother, however, was busy cooking. “No,” she thought, “let the child cry.”
After some time, the child stopped crying and went back to playing with the toy – jingle, jingle, jingle. After playing like that for a while, the pangs of hunger returned. His hunger increased and increased and he became more and more unhappy. He began to cry for his mother even more loudly than before.
His mother heard the crying of the baby, but thought that she should first finish her cooking. Finally, the hunger became unbearable for the child. The child thought, “I don’t want toys!” All he could think about was his mother.
His crying became louder and louder until he was screaming. He started to throw his arms about and kick his legs, in a tantrum.
Then the mother thought, “Oh, I cannot stay away any longer!” The mother ran toward the child, embraced him and suckled him.
Similarly, the Supreme Lord has given us toys – the toy of a wife or husband, toys of children, toys of buildings, toys of radios, toys of videos, toys of computers. Seeing this, Krsna thinks, “They are absorbed in their toys! I have no worries. I am engaged in My pastimes in the transcendental realm. They do not want this. They want those things instead. Here, take this computer! Take that video! Take this! Take that!”
Upon the awakening of his real self (atma), a man feels the want of the sweetest affection of the Supreme Lord. He cries, “Oh Supreme Lord! In this world, nothing gives me happiness. Everything is temporary. Everyone is selfish. You are my most beloved! Where are You? I have forgotten You! Come! Come! I am in a furnace! Come! Come!” Weeping, he calls, but Krishna does not come. “I am engaged in My pastimes,” Krishna says. For some time, the man then becomes absorbed in the affairs of his family and relatives, and forgets Krishna. Time passes and he cries again, “Where is My beloved Supreme Lord? Where is He?” Crying, crying. But, the Supreme Lord still does not come.
Ultimately, he shouts, “I do not want a house! I do not want anything! Nobody is mine – You are mine! Oh beloved Supreme Lord! Come! Come! Come!” He cries and weeps, tossing his arms and legs about. Then Krishna cries, “Oh!” and comes to him. This sort of perturbation of the heart, extreme eagerness for getting Bhagavan, must be there.
When we associate with the suddha bhakta who is crying for Sri Krishna, then the eternal nature of atma will be awakened. You have love for God. Love is there in your soul. It exists, but it is presently enveloped by the external potency of the Supreme Lord and you have become averse to Sri Krishna. Passing through different species, our minds have become enveloped by so many evil desires.
— Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj ji.
Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta is universally adored name and scripture. It is commonly known to everyone across the globe. But the difficulity is, there are thousands of commentaries on the Geeta, and in these commentaries the commentators have expressed their own views. They all have different views and ordinary people are confused about the actual message of Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta.
The speaker of the Geeta is the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. Only those who have entered into the heart of Sri Krishna can understand the real implication and significance of His sayings and the purpose of His speech and advice. Outside people cannot understand.
In India, and outside India, you will find many people who say — We do not believe Krishna is Supreme Lord because He took birth and, therefore, He was a human being. He may have many powers, perhaps even superhuman powers. He may even be a great politician, a great diplomat. But He is still only a human being.
Even those who have gone through the Geeta may also speak like this. It is most astounding. When I ask them — Have you gone through the Geeta? The reply is — Oh, yes.
I ask them — How! If you have gone through the Geeta, then you should accept the teachings of the Geeta.
Supreme Lord Sri Krishna mentions in Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta (7.7) –There is nothing superior to Me.
With emphasis, Sri Krishna says that He is the Supreme Lord. We read the Geeta, but we do not believe the teachings of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Why is this? He also says in the Geeta (9.24) — I am the only Master and the only Enjoyer of all yajnas (sacrifices).
There are many verse in Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta substantiating Sri Krishna as Supreme Lord.
In the Geeta (10.8), He says — I am the cause of all creation, the origin of all the things.
In verse (14.27), He says — I am the cause of the impersonal formless God (Brahm). That impersonal, formless God is the halo of own light of Sri Krishna, emanating from Sri Krishna Himself. And so on.
Sri Krishna is the Supreme Lord. How can we know the Supreme Lord? Without His grace, no one can know Him. If anybody says — Yes. I can know Him, then he will be equal to or greater than the Supreme Lord. But the Supreme Lord, Infinite and Absolute, is One. Nothing can be outside the Infinite. If you say — This flower is outside the Infinite, then the Infinite becomes finite. Even particle of dust cannot be outside the Infinite, or the Absolute will lose His position. The Absolute is One. The only way to get Him is to take absolute shelter at His Lotus Feet and to act according to His will. There is no other way to get Him except by means of exclusive, pure devotion.
Therefore, only those who have surrendered to Sri Krishna, who have access to the heart of Sri Krishna, can understand the implication and significance of His teachings. Those without knowledge of Sri Krishna, who have not submitted to Sri Krishna, how can they know. They may write many commentaries, but they cannot comprehend the actual significance of the teachings of Sri Krishna.
Even Sri Arjuna took the shelter unto Sri Krishna, means he also surrendered unto Sri Krishna, before he was imparted with this divine knowledge. He says in the Geeta (2.7) — I have lost my natural valour. I am bewildered and cannot ascertain what is right and what is wrong. I submit to you. I am your disciple. Please advise me regarding my eternal welfare.
(From the lectures of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj)
Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami explains that according to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Divine Love is the strongest spiritual force on earth which can establish love and unity among all human beings and thereby establish real peace in the world. Divine Love is more powerful than ahimsa. Ahimsa means not to commit violence, this is negative, but love means doing positive good to others, this is more covetable and effective.
Wherever we see the benefits we will attend it. Nobody needs to be taught to earn money. Everybody understands money is necessary. They are earning money day and night; whether in Singapore or America. They know that without money they cannot move. This is our necessity. Nobody has to be taught about this. Similarly, when you understand why one performs worship of Sri Krishna then you will give time to attend.
This human birth is very precious. After passing through many births in different species, trees, insects, aquatic animals and land animals you get a human birth. It is said that you must pass through 80 lakhs of different species before you attain a human birth. So, a human birth is very rare and valuable.
You can only perform worship of Sri Krishna in the human species. Even birth as a demigod is not congenial for harinam. No other creatures can perform harinam. Because you are human you can accept the Supreme Reality, you can perform bhajans and you can worship Sri Krishna. You have this human life and you should utilise it properly and not waste it.
Actually, love for God head Sree Krishna, is inherent in every individual soul.
Due to forgetfulness of our relation with Sree Krishna, we are enveloped by the illusory energy consisting of three primal qualities— Rajah, Sattva and Tamah and pass through cycles of births, deaths and threefold afflictions.
Love of God is not to be borrowed from somebody, only it is to be awakened by the company of pure bona fide devotee.
— Hid Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.
“Circumambulation of the Holy Abode of Supreme Lord Sri Hari is one of the principal devotions out of 64 kinds of devotion as indicated by Sri Rupa Goswami in his writing Sri Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu”
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.
In India, and outside India, you will find many people who say — We do not believe Sri Krishna is Supreme Lord because He took birth and, therefore, He was a human being. He may have many powers, perhaps even superhuman powers. He may even be a great politician, a great diplomat. But He is still only a human being.
Even those who have gone through the Geeta may also speak like this. It is most astounding. When I ask them — Have you gone through the Geeta? The reply is — Oh, yes.
I ask them — How! If you have gone through the Geeta, then you should accept the teachings of the Geeta.
Supreme Lord Sri Krishna mentions in Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta (7.7) –There is nothing superior to Me.
With emphasis, Sri Krishna says that He is the Supreme Lord. We read the Geeta, but we do not believe the teachings of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Why is this? He also says in the Geeta (9.24) — I am the only Master and the only Enjoyer of all yajnas (sacrifices).
There are many verse in Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta substantiating Sri Krishna as Supreme Lord.
In the Geeta (10.8), He says — I am the cause of all creation, the origin of all the things.
In verse (14.27), He says — I am the cause of the impersonal formless God (Brahm). That impersonal, formless God is the halo of own light of Sri Krishna, emanating from Sri Krishna Himself. And so on.
Sri Krishna is the Supreme Lord. How can we know the Supreme Lord? Without His grace, no one can know Him.
The only way to get Him is to take absolute shelter at His Lotus Feet and to act according to His will. There is no other way to get Him except by means of exclusive, pure devotion.
Therefore, only those who have surrendered to Sri Krishna, who have access to the heart of Sri Krishna, can understand the implication and significance of His teachings and Sree Geeta.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj ji.
Srila Narad Gosvami gave Sri Dhruva some advice, and the mother of Sri Dhruva, Srimati Suniti, also advised him thus: “If you have any kind of hostile mentality against your stepmother, then you will not succeed in your worship of the Lord. You will not receive His grace. Your stepmother is not the cause of your miseries. You are the cause. You have brought this upon yourself through some behavior in a previous birth. You are now reaping the fruits of that behavior:
mamangalam tata paresu mamstha
bhunkte jano yat para-duhkhadas tat
(Srimad Bhagavatam, 4.8.17)
“Do not blame others for your afflictions. You do not realize that you are receiving the same afflictions that you once inflicted upon others. God is omniscient. There cannot be any mistake in His judgement. You should tolerate this.”
Sadhus think like this. A sadhu does not retaliate against the oppression of others. Goodness always emanates from the sadhu. He cannot give any injury to any living being of this world. The tendency towards harm is completely absent from his character, so how can he do harm? He always does good towards others.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.
This soul always remain as soul, it can never become super-soul.
Many people feel that we are ‘Brahm’ and due to some reason we are suffering from the clutches of ‘Maya’, thus we are known as soul. This is totally incorrect.
Reason being that ‘Brahm’ is title for Omnipotent or Omnipresent. One who is omnipotent or omnipresent can never suffer at the hands of Maya or material energy. Neither this material energy nor Maya is so potent that it is able to engulf the Omnipotent. And how is it possible that One who is omnipotent suffers at the hand of His own potency. If He suffers then He cannot be termed as Omnipotent. Under such circumstances the meaning of the word omnipotent will be null. Then how could we be able to address such entity as ‘Brahm’.
Let us assume that upon meditating this soul will become omnipotent or Brahm. Still it seems unlikely that this is possible. If the soul was Brahm initially and later on his potency took over him then all sorts of meditation to become ‘Brahm’ would be useless. We meditate to get rid of threefold miseries of this world and since ‘Maya’ can take over us even when we become ‘Brahm’ and turn us to become a soul then all sort of meditation processes are useless.
Some people claim that when soul unifies with the super-soul, soul becomes super-soul. This is also incorrect. As soul is immortal and so is super-soul. If soul looses its own identity by entering in super-soul then the scriptures would be rendered incorrect which claims that soul is immortal or soul never dies. For e.g. in chemistry water constitutes of H2O. Even when water enters ocean, its formula remains intact. It does not break. Even if we try to break water, and make it into two, water will not remain as water, it will break into oxygen and hydrogen.
If the soul was to become God eventually then the devotees like Sree Hanuman, Sree Brahma, Sree Uddhava, Sree Shabri, Sree Ras khan, Sree Bhakti Vinode Thakura, Sree Narottam Dasa won’t be praying to Lord in order to get a chance to serve Him.
They pray,’O Lord, please have mercy upon us. Kindly grant us a boon that we shall never forget You and we shall never be devoid of Your Love’. Had the soul not having their separate identity then all the prayers by such pure devotees of Lord won’t carry any meaning.
—- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj ji.
In temples we find that the devotees repeat the same thing every day. Every morning and every evening is aratika and kirtana. Is there anything new? There is aratika in the morning, midday and the evening – the same program everyday.
Sri Narada Goswami has been uttering Sri Krishna – Nam from time immemorial. But still he cannot completely taste Sri Krishna-Nam.
When speaking of the glories of the utterance of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said “prati-padam purnamrtasvadanam.” At every step, you experience the taste of full, complete, transcendental ambrosia. It will never become stale. If we say, “I have finished it. It has become stale! Find something new for me,” then we have not understood anything.
Supreme Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu did not hear about the lives of Sri Dhruva and Sri Prahlada once only. “We have not yet heard the full story,” He would say. We might say that we have heard the biographies of Sri Dhruva and Sri Prahlada, but Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu wished to hear the full biographies not one time, but one hundred times. “Again!” He would say, “Please tell Me again.” If, after hearing, you have the desire to hear again, then you have entered into the spiritual, devotional realm. Otherwise, you are outside and have learned nothing about spiritual life – nothing.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
The present-day world appears to be running fast towards destruction.
As per Indian scriptural evidence, the conditioned souls are enveloped by Lord’s illusory energy consisting of three primal qualities— Sattva, Rajah, and Tamah. ‘Tamah’ indicates tendency to commit vice or to inflict injury. In fact, tamah tendency has now engulfed the whole world and is spreading over like fire and showing its most monstrous destructive ugly appearance.
By Rajah-guna living beings are created, by Sattva-guna they are maintained and by Tama-guna they are destroyed. Living beings are non-eternal. Human beings are the best amongst all kinds of created species, because they have got the discriminating power between good and bad, eternal and non-eternal, vice and virtue. Eating, sleeping, defending and mating are equal in beasts and human beings but human beings are superior because of their discriminating power. Practically it is demonstrated now that the human beings have become the greatest enemy of their own species. They are causing unnatural deaths without considering the innocence of the killed— whether they are children or women, whom the killers have never seen and who have never done any harm to the killers. It is the greatest shame of such human beings to claim the false vanity of being the best amongst created beings.
The Supreme Lord does not think much about sins of other living beings who have got no such discriminating power. They do actions out of instinct. But God has bestowed discriminating power to human beings. In spite of that if they commit heinous crimes, surely they will be punished. They will never be spared. They are lowering the status of humanity. We may commit heinous crimes by deceiving ignorant human beings, beasts and birds, but we cannot deceive Supreme Lord Who is Omniscient. Lord is residing in the heart of every individual soul.
‘Karmanye va dhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana’ —Bhagvad Gita
As human being has got relative independence, he can do good and bad deeds by good or bad use of his relative independence. But the fruits of those deeds are controlled by Supreme Lord and not by conditioned souls of the world. Out of ignorance, conditioned souls always have the aptitude to blame others for their sufferings.
When human beings have lost the capacity to understand difference between civilization and non-civilization, good and bad, they have lost everything. There is one pithy saying to know the criterion to understand which is good and bad, beneficial and non-beneficial— ‘When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; and when character is lost, everything is lost.’
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Do not blame others for your afflictions. You do not realise that you are receiving the same afflictions that you once inflicted upon others. God is omniscient. There cannot be any mistake in His judgement.
– His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.
We, the souls are the servants of Supreme Lord Lord Krishna eternally.
In the seventh chapter of Sree Bhagavad Geeta Lord Krishna explains that soul is part of My potency.
This means soul is servitor of Super-soul. Soul was servitor of Lord, soul is servitor of Lord and soul will remain servitor of Lord. All scriptures and pure devotees of Lord certify and declare openly this truth.
One must understand that by staying in this material world and forgetting the super-soul, this servitor of Lord suffers from threefold misery. When this soul (servitor of Lord) serves the Lord, or practice devotional process for Lord, he remains in transcendental ecstasy and he is not bothered by any threefold miseries.
One who attains this exalted state of devotion is instantly liberated from the cycle of birth and death.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
After the disappearance of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, we are celebrating His appearance day on 24, 25 and 26 March at His appearance place, Gwalpara, Assam.
Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta is universally adored name and scripture and is commonly known to everyone across the globe. But the difficulty is this: there are thousands of commentaries on the Geeta, and in these commentaries the commentators have expressed their own views. They all have different views and ordinary people are confused about the actual message of Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta.
The speaker of the Geeta is the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. Only those who have entered into the heart of Sri Krishna can understand the real implication and significance of His sayings and the purpose of His speech and advice. Outside people cannot understand.
In India, and outside India, you will find many people who say, ‘We do not believe Krishna is Supreme Lord because He took birth and, therefore, He was a human being. He may have many powers, perhaps even superhuman powers. He may even be a great politician, a great diplomat. But He is still only a human being.’
Even those who have gone through the Geeta may also speak like this. It is most astounding. When I ask them, ‘Have you gone through the Geeta?’ The reply is, ‘Oh, yes.’ I ask them, ‘How! If you have gone through the Geeta, then you should accept the teachings of the Geeta.’
Supreme Lord Sri Krishna mentions in Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta (7.7), ‘There is nothing superior to Me.’
With emphasis, Sri Krishna says that He is the Supreme Lord. We read the Geeta, but we do not believe the teachings of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Why is this? He also says in the Geeta (9.24), ‘I am the only Master and the only Enjoyer of all yajnas (sacrifices). There are many verse in Sreemad Bhagwad Geeta substantiating Sri Krishna as Supreme Lord. In the Geeta (10.8), He says, ‘I am the cause of all creation, the origin of all the things.’ In verse (14.27), He says, ‘I am the cause of the impersonal formless God (Brahm).’ That impersonal, formless God is the halo of Sri Krishna’s own light, emanating from Sri Krishna Himself. And so on.
Sri Krishna is the Supreme Lord. How can we know the Supreme Lord? Without His grace, no one can know Him. If anybody says, ‘Yes. I can know Him.’ then he will be equal to or greater than the Supreme Lord. But the Supreme Lord, Infinite and Absolute, is One. Nothing can be outside the Infinite. If you say, ‘This flower is outside the Infinite,’ then the Infinite becomes finite. Even particle of dust cannot be outside the Infinite, or the Absolute will lose His position. The Absolute is One. The only way to get Him is to take absolute shelter at His Lotus Feet and to act according to His will. There is no other way to get Him except by means of exclusive, pure devotion.
Therefore, only those who have surrendered to Sri Krishna, who have access to the heart of Sri Krishna, can understand the implication and significance of His teachings. Those without knowledge of Sri Krishna, who have not submitted to Sri Krishna, how can they know. They may write many commentaries, but they cannot comprehend the actual significance of the teachings of Sri Krishna.
Even Sri Arjuna took the shelter unto Sri Krishna, means he also surrendered unto Sri Krishna, before he was imparted with this divine knowledge. He says in the Geeta (2.7), ‘I have lost my natural valor. I am bewildered and cannot ascertain what is right and what is wrong. I submit to you. I am your disciple. Please advise me ragarding my eternal welfare.’
Supreme Lord’s transcendental glories are revealed to the heart of the bonafide votaries according to the degree of submission. Degrees of submission to God are ad-infinitum, so revelations of the glories of Divinity will also be ad-infinitum.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
One day of Sri Brahmaa is called a kalp.
The duration of the four ages or yugas have been described as follows:
the duration of Kaliyuga is 432000 solar years, double is the duration of Dvapar yuga, triple is the duration of Treta yuga and quadruple is the duration of Stya-yuga. The four-yugas combied are called one divya-yuga or catur-yuga. The reign of one Manu is comprised of 71 such divya or catur-yugas. The span of life of fourteen Manus is the duration of one day of the life of Sri Brahma.
Similar also is the duration of one night of Sri Brahma.
At the end of one day of Sri Brahma or at the end of a kalp, partial annihilation takes place.
Source: Dasavatar, by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
The devotional scriptural prescript is always to remember Sri Vishnu and never to forget Him. There may be hundreds of devotional forms.
The purpose of the list of devotional forms, or positive assertions, is to remember Sri Krishna and the purpose of the list of prohibitions, or negative assertions, is never to forget Sri Krishna.
Any action which may no be in the list of prescribed devotional forms but makes us remember Sri Krishna is allowed, and any action which may not be in the list of prohibitions but makes us forget Sri Krishna is prohibited.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj entered eternal pastimes of Supreme Lord Sree Radha-Krishna on 20 April 2017.
He was President Acharya of All India Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math, as well as World Vaishnav Association. He is Founder Achrya of GOKUL (Global Organization of KrishnaChaitanya’s Universal Love).
He is dear disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj ‘Vishnupad’, Who is dear disciple of Jagadguru His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Siddhant Saraswati Goswami Thakur ‘Prabhupad’, Founder of All Gaudiya Maths, Gaudiya Missions and Chaitanya Math.
Maharaj ji is such a personality, He preached the teachings of Supreme Lord Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sree Harinam Sankirtan not only in India but across 32 countries of the world.
President Acharya of Gopinath Gaudiya Math – Pujyapad Bodhayan Maharaj,
President Acharya of Gaudiya Vedant Smiti – Pujyapad Paryatak Maharaj,
President Acharya of Saraswat Gaudiya Math – Pujyapad Govind Maharaj,
Founder Acharya of Vrinda Mission – Pujyapad Paramadvaiti Maharaj,
Founder Acharya of Srila Sant Goswami Gaudiya Math – Pujyapad Bharati Maharaj,
General Secretary of Gaudiya Mission – Pujyapad Sannyasi Maharaj,
President Acharya of Gaudiya Sangha – Pujyapad Sadhu Maharaj
Founder Acharya of Sree Madhav Goswami Gaudiya Math – Pujyapad Mahavir Maharaj
Pujyapad Jayapataka Maharaj, Pujyapad Radhanath Maharaj, Pujyapad Gopalkrishna Maharaj from ISKCON
consider His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj as Their Shiksha Guru and have great respects for Him.
Srila Tirtha Maharaj is a perfect example of Guru-nishtha, Guru mein samarpan, Guruji ki agya palan. He is perfect example for all Gaudiya Vaishnavas.
His Gurudeva said about Him that I have many disciples, but only one disciple is as per my desire/mind and that is Srila Tirtha Maharaj.
— B.V. Vishnu
Sri Shukrachrya replied – My disciple has seen You, he has chanted Your Name and glories. Your rare lotus feet have been placed upon his head. Is my disciple still so impure that I have to perform a yajna to bless him?
Sreemad Bhagavatam (8.23.16) says — There may be many discrepancies in pronouncing mantras, observing the regulative principles in serial order and moreover, there may be discrepancies in regard to time, place, person, articles and paraphernalia. But when Your Lordship’s holy Name is chanted, everything becomes faultless.
Source: Dasavatar by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
By performing parikrama of dham, our love and attachment to the Supreme Lord increases and we lose interest in any matter not related to the Supreme Lord.
Sri Mayapura and Sri Navadvip dham are not parts of West Bengal or India or a land of matter. Sri Navadvip dham or Sri Mayapura dham has descended. As Sri Gaurhari is beyond our comprehension, His dham is also beyond our comprehension.
Devotees observe Ekadashi vrat for the satisfaction of Supreme Lord Sree Krishna and His devotees and not for any material purpose.
In the pastimes of Supreme Lord Sri Ramchandra all the rasas (mellow) up to vatsalya ras (parental affection) is exhibited. However, due to moral codes having the highest priority in these pastimes, the mood of parental affection has a restricted nature. Maharaj Dasrath established these codes, so he was unable to prevent Sri Ramchandra from going to the forest. To exemplify these codes, Sri Ramchandra accepted exile in the forest to uphold a promise that his father had made.
Sri Ramchandra vowed to accept only one wife –‘Eka patni vrat dhar.’ Therefore, no one else can worship Him as a husband. Kant-ras (conjugal mood) is not exhibited in these pastimes. When the sages of Dandkaranya desired to have Sri Ramchandra as their husband, He told them to achieve conjugal bliss by paying allegiance to the gopis in His pastimes as Krishna.
Sri Krishna is Svayam Bhagavan, the Prime Supreme Personality of Godhead, whereas Sri Ram, Sri Narsimha and others are His partial manifestations (amsha) or the parts of the partial manifestations (kala).
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
My most Revered Gurudev, used to give me the advice not to take any decision by own initiative as the mind and intellect of a finite being (conditioned soul) is also finite and prone to commit mistakes. Any decision taken by the finite mind and finite intellect can increase problems. The correct way is to take absolute shelter of the Lotus Feet of the Supreme Lord and His Absolute Counterpart Gurudev or suddha bhakta, who are omniscient and All-Merciful.
A light of Transcendental Divine Knowledge will then enter into the heart of such a surrendered soul and remove all their doubts. All problems will be solved immediately and effectively.
‘To those who always worship Sri Krishna with sincerity of heart, the Supreme Lord bestows wisdom to understand the way to attain Him.’ (Sri Bhagavad Gita10.10)
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
According to Supreme Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Transcendental Divine Love is the strongest spiritual force on earth which can establish close relation of love and unity of hearts amongst all human beings and thereby establish real peace in the world.
All animated beings are inter-connected and are the parts of the potency of One Organic System — The All Pervading Soul. The knowledge of our common relation to that Absolute Soul will foster in us love and affinity for each other.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.