Supreme Lord Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in His third verse of Sree Shikshastaka has taught us, if we are to do Hari-nam without tenfold offences, we should have these four qualities:
(1) We should be humbler than a blade of grass,
(2) more forbearing than a tree,
(3) should not have the desire of getting name and fame from others but,
(4) give respect to all in the consideration that our object of love, Sri Krishna, is existing in the heart of every living being.
It is good for sincere aspirants to rectify themselves by condemning or subduing their own evil doings or evil thoughts. Only then, by their own ideal character, can they warn others in regard to these.
A bona fide sadhu never has any kind of hostile mentality to anybody or any living being in this world. He may condemn the evil practices or doings but he has got no enmity for the persons who are doing such sinful acts. So, sadhus are always calm and serene. Nobody in this world can divert a sadhu’s mind from his concentrated devotion to the Lord.