Sree Nityananda Prabhu once told Srila JIva Goswami, “Listen to My words. Sree Navadvipa extends over sixteen krosas. Within the sixteen krosas of Navadvipa, which are non-different from Vrndavana, there are nine islands, which form an eight-petaled lotus floating on the water. In the middle of the eight islands, or petals, lies Antardvipa. And within Antardvipa, lies the very central point, Mayapur. The eternal pastimes of Lord Sree Chaitanya take place within Yogapitha and the circle of Mayapur, the circumference of which measures three and a half miles and the diameter measures just over one mile. Because the Panca-tattva are seated at the Yogapitha, it is the most glorious of all places.
“Very soon, by the desire of the Lord, this will be nearly hidden under the waters of the Ganges. Then later, by the powerful desire of the Lord, the dhama will again be revealed and shine effulgently. The eternal dhama is never really lost but is temporarily covered, and then again it appears to our eyes.
“My worshipable Lord eternally resides at Mayapur, situated on the east bank of the Ganges. Although in the eyes of common people, Sree Visvambhara took sannyasa and left Navadvipa to go elsewhere, actually My Gauranga Dev never gives up Mayapur or Navadvipa. The devotees can perceive His daily lila.
From Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur’s book, Navadvip Dham Mahatmya.