How to awaken love for Sree Krishna?
The name ‘Krishna‘ denotes that He pleases all by attracting all.
All others, other than Supreme Lord Shri Krishna are being attracted by Him.
As for example– It is the nature of the magnet to attract iron and it is the nature of iron to be attracted by magnet. But when there is rust on the iron, this nature is not seen to be manifested. When the rust is removed iron immediately runs towards the magnet.
All living beings of this world in their real selves have got attraction for Shri Krishna i.e. have got natural love for Shri Krishna. It is not to be borrowed from somebody else.
When soul by misuse of his relative independence becomes averse to Shri Krishna is enveloped by the illusory energy of Supreme Lord and is hurled down into this world of ocean of births and deaths.
A fortunate soul by the previous good impressions of the eternal good deeds, when comes in contact with the bonafide pure devotee, the eternal nature to love Krishna is awakened in him/her.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.
Source: His letters