What is the interpretation of the word ‘Bhagawan’ (God)?
We find words in the Gita— ‘Bhagawan uvaca’ (Supreme Lord said).
The Gita indicates that the Supreme Lord is speaking. Sree Krishna is referred to as Bhagawan in the Gita.
The inner significance of the word Bhagawan is— “Bhaga’ means opulences, and ‘van’ means one who possesses. We have some conception of God, but in the Vedic literature there are definite descriptions and definitions of what is meant by God, and what is meant is described in one word— Bhagawan.
Bhagawan possesses all opulences, the totality of knowledge, wealth, power, beauty, fame and renunciation. When we find someone who possesses these opulences in full, we are to know that He is God. There are many rich, wise, famous, beautiful and powerful men, but no one man can claim to possess all of these opulences.
Only Sree Krishna claims to possess them in totality.
Another interpretation of Bhagawan is that ‘Bhaga’ signifies ‘shakti’ (potency). Interpretation of Bhagawan is ‘Sarvashaktiman’— One who possesses infinite opulences.