Sri Rasik Ray Ji and Srimati Ganga Mata ji

There was a deity of Lord Krishna named Sri Rasika Ray in the house of Chandra Sharma, a resident of Jaipur in Rajasthan. As a result of offenses in the performance of service to this deity, this Brahmin had no descendants to continue the family line. So, one day Lord Jagannath Dev appeared to him in a dream and told him to bring the deity to Puri and to give it to Srimati Ganga Mata if he wished to be rid of the effects of his offenses. 

The Brahmin did as he was told and appeared at Srimati Ganga Mata’s door to offer her the service of Sri Rasika Ray ji. At first she was not ready to accept, as it was impossible for her to give the kind of royal service which was due such a deity. Finally, the Brahmin simply hid the deity amongst the Sri Tulasi plants and went away. Sri Rasika Ray ji appeared to Srimati Ganga Mata in a dream and told her that He wanted her to accept and serve Him. Having been so ordered, Srimati Ganga Mata joyfully took the deity in and organized a festival in His honor.

     At present there are five pairs of deities in the Ganga Mata Math: Sri Sri Radha Rasika Ray, Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar, Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohan, Sri Sri Radhavinoda and Sri Sri Radharaman. Other than these, the Damodar Shalagram Shila of Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya, a dancing figure of Sri Gauranga and a Gopal deity are also present on the altar there.

     According to the information given by the Math, Srimati Ganga Mata appeared on the Shukla-dashmi of Jyestha in AD 1601 and entered the eternal pastimes in AD 1721. 

     Devotees of Lord Krishna may be born in any race, in any caste, or indeed in either sex. They are still to be considered the best of human beings and worshipable by all. There are many examples of women who attained the supreme achievement of pure devotional service to the Lord.