Srila Gaura Kishore Das babaji Maharaj would gather dry foodstuffs from the householders of the holy dhama by begging, and offer them in his hand to the Lord. To cook, Srila Gaura Kishore Das babaji Maharaj would often collect dry wood from the pathways and wash discarded pots he found along the roadside near the Ganges.
To meet his practical necessities such as clothing himself, he would go to the shore of the Ganges River and collect and wash the discarded cloth that had been used to cover the corpses in the burning grounds. In this way he always remained independent of others by using rejected items that served no purpose for anyone.
Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur often related the behavior of Srila Gaura Kishore Das Babaji Maharaj as an example of “nirapeksa,” or total indifference to worldly existence.