In this realm of dvitiya-abhinivesa – where a person is absorbed in anything other than the Supreme Absolute Reality – each individual is separated from every other by one thing – illusion. In such a place, one indeed distinguishes between ‘you’ and ‘me’, and ‘yours’ and ‘mine’. Consequently, one person’s self-interest cannot be reconciled with the self-interest of another. There is even a disparity of interest between mother and son, husband and wife, master and servant, and teacher and student.
Such incongruity, however, does not exist in the spiritual world, where the Absolute Truth, the son of the king of Vraja (advaya-jnana Sri Vrajendra-nandana) is the exclusive Object (visaya) of interest. The sole interest of the residents of the spiritual realm is to bring Him happiness.
It thus follows that in that place where everyone has one interest only and where only one person enjoys being the cynosure of that interest, the manifestation of duality would be impossible.
In that realm, there is no difference between ‘your’ master and ‘my’ master, for there, to speak of ‘my’ master’s glories is to automatically speak of ‘your’ master’s glories, and vice versa: when you speak of ‘your’ master’s glories, I only hear the glories of ‘my’ master.
– Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupad