Which karma are to be performed and which are to be avoided?
The devotional scriptural prescript is always to remember Sri Vishnu and never to forget Him. There may be hundreds of devotional forms.
The purpose of the list of devotional forms, or positive assertions, is to remember Sri Krishna and the purpose of the list of prohibitions, or negative assertions, is never to forget Sri Krishna.
Any action which may no be in the list of prescribed devotional forms but makes us remember Sri Krishna is allowed, and any action which may not be in the list of prohibitions but makes us forget Sri Krishna is prohibited.
— His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
dandavat pranams
I would like to recall on a pastime that was heard in India about a sannyasi disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj. I remember the story as follows.
This disciple was a sannyasi who was apparently doing some things not quite appropriate for sannyas. So some other disciples came to complain to His Grace and ask Him to remove the sannyas clothes from this sannyasi.
as a result, His Grace told them he had no right to oblige him in this regard.
Is it possible that you tell me the full story, or at least the conclusion of His Grace. or some comentary on this. Thank you . I really appreciate.
please accept my dandavats praanams.
Your Q: Which karma are to be performed and which are to be avoided?”
Ans: As per Sreemad Bhagavad Geewta, whatver is mentionedin authentic acriptures, like Srimad Bhaavatm Geeta, etc, if we perfomr those, then we are dong karma.
No doing as per instructions of these scriptues is akarma,
working against these instructions is known as vikarma.
for e.g. scriptures ask to serve mother-father. Serving them ,this is karma.
Scriptures ask to serve mother-father, not serving them is akarma., which is paap.
Scriptures ask to serve mother-father , not serving them but troubling them is vikarma, and maha-paap.